
Nico's Weg

          Nico’s Weg is a great film to study German from. It’s about a middle-aged man who just arrived at Germany, which isn’t his native country. It’s the journey of a man learning the language and culture of another country, which is Germany. The first couple of scenes shows the main character who just arrived at the airport listening to people speaking Dutch. As days go by, the main character would have casual conversations with Germans. Thus, making him learn the language as the conversation forces him to, like it or not. The movie is great for learning German, and it was probably made for people who are looking to learn German. This movie would make you understand the everyday conversation of the German Language..

My Goal My Ambition

                My hopes for the future are that I will be either an engineer or a doctor. I spend my time on playing sports like basketball and I also spend it by playing music . I have a desire to become an engineer, but I also want to be a doctor. I’m leaning more towards being an engineer in the future, but I am still not completely sure. I would call myself a fast learner and I could really make use of my memorizing skill, but the drawback is that I can easily be distracted, and I procrastinate a bit too much. I really need more motivation for me to be more serious about school and my grades. I need to use the maximum potential of my capabilities to get the best grades I can to get into the University I want in the future. I have some achievements in that I’m proud of. One of them is me memorizing the Qur’an and participating in MHQ contests. I’m proud I won contests and took trophies home for the school that I used to go to. I’m also proud of my national exam grades from middle s